weclome vistior

welcome to the home of Oronegro, a land that not so long ago was a peaceful and prosperous place but by the mid 2020's it was engulfed in a violent civil war! The whole world watched doing their bit in the conflict. the story is one of a small country stuck in superpower politics

Friday, February 15, 2013

the Oronegrean Song of war (english version)

This song is the English version of Oronegro's war song which is sung during the long marches to war. The Spanish version is not a direct translation as the versions are all sung to different tunes and created by different units. The English version was written by La Ley's British cohort which is one of the few units of el ejercito segundo which is permanent and ready to be deployed at a moments notice. They are mostly light infantry though they do include some policing forces and engineers. This is their song which after a few decades of being sung only by that unit spread to the whole army!

Come my sisters, my brothers , my sons.
we're off to war and the sound of the guns
with courage we go
though death may show
his fear is weak and weak his blows

Come my sisters, my brothers, my sons
we're off to war and the sound of the guns
our spirits are high
though some may die
to their honour let the remainder cry

Come my sisters, my bothers, my sons 
we're off to war and the sound of the guns!
though peace we seek
and victory desire!
let us not fail to fire

come my sisters, my bothers, my sons
we're off to war and the sound of the guns!
to the battle we go the fight and the foe
forget not our cause and forget not our home
for Oronegro we fight;
for Oronegro our home!

come my sisters, my brothers, my sons
though the guns may sound 
our courage will be found.

Because of this song it is said that the young Eduardo Martínez would be inspired to lead his own armies, he is quoted as saying. "as I watched the forces move silently out of the city I could not help but hear a growing sound moving towards the mound on which I stood. as it came so could the drums be heard the flute, and horn played in time to the rhythmic march, the song that was sang certainly not a piece to be found in any Opera, our of time with the beat in many places, yet it is true that all the men and women spoke as one. I looked to General Marco d'Amarillo y Natillas who stood to my right and asked him how long it would take to reform the Mayoral Cuirassiers. he said  two months at least should we use horsemen already in service or years if we were to train some especially. I answered that I wanted them ready and armed as soon as the army reached the mouth of the La Esperanza some and that I myself would be amongst them."

and so it was that the Story of Eduardo Martínez, child and warrior mayor comes into the story of the great Oronegrean war of defence, conquest and survival.


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