weclome vistior

welcome to the home of Oronegro, a land that not so long ago was a peaceful and prosperous place but by the mid 2020's it was engulfed in a violent civil war! The whole world watched doing their bit in the conflict. the story is one of a small country stuck in superpower politics

Monday, November 4, 2013

Oronegro her territories and the colony of Ororussia (Kievalsk)

well after who knows how long this place is getting an update. one that is well overdue! I won't say to much but until now actual work on developing the story of Oronegro's territories has been slight to non-existant... in short I need to work on the stories. this will be done at a later date, perhaps (as most of the territories were aquired during the 18th century their stories will be developed though wargaming... anyway this post will have a little bit of history and an outline on the atual structure of the territory, their status and some 20th and 21st century facts... i.e their involment in the civil war.
anyway time to get into character and write the story.

 Below is a map of Oronegro in the 21st century, her adjoining territories and the neighbouring states.
(click for bigger picture) Oronegro is only part of a greater state made of of mostly autonimous states.
 "Oronegro is more powerful than can be considered comfortable" was what one British MP said in 1815 at which time Oronegro was at the height of her power. She threatened to become a serious empire and could have become a super power if things had remained stable internally. At this time Britain looked on crippled by Napoleon her forces were no match for Oronegro should the state wish to make any serious land grabs. Spain was no longer relevant and as her colonies began to throw off their shackles Oronegro which had as mayor a man who could claim to be descended from the old Spanish king! a possible heir.
as the rest of South America rebeled Oronegro did nothing. the Governments worst descicion.

As it was the Oronegreans did not go and seize control of Spain or as it was so feared try to force their way into the games of the big empires. Oronegro decided for some reason to remain loyal to the Spanish monarch, which would cause them great distress later on as the people of Oronegro began to demand freedom like their South American cousins were. A civil war errupted between the loyalists, those who were loyal to spain and the sepratists those who wanted independance. The civil war has been called the strangest war in history. Firstly as any historian of Oronegrean history knows the control of the great imperial powers on Oronegro was limited at its greatest extent. Secondly although the fighting was fierce and involved thousonds of people the Army, navy, Marines and other military forces of the state refused to get involved! There were some who, against orders left and got involved but the majority of the armed forces remained neutral, waiting, making sure the nation would not fall into splinter groups for other powers to gobble up. The war raged until 1821 when the loyalists finally gained the upper hand. The nation was crippled and only hung onto her territory thanks to the restraint of the military commanders who had lost both friends and family in a pointless civil war.
The Oronegrean civil war was not fought between powerful generals but radical civilian groups and dangerous militias.

However in the 1860's Spain called upon her remaining territories to force her control upon Oronegro. Spain was still very powerful many of her colonies, like Oronegro herself were shielded from the rebellions erupting around them by the portals which were the only access to them. the imagi-nations (the modern term for them) Spain controlled immediately responded all eager to help crush the most notorious and dangerous colony around. Oronegro weakened and worried called to Britain for support, Britian turned them down on the grounds that her own colonies were causing her enough trouble.
The was was short and saw Oronegro seriously battered. However, not even the most powerful of the forces sent against either Oronegro or her colonies were enough to over power her still excellent armed forces. Oronegro gained independence from Spain and all the other "traditional homelands" of the Oronegrean people. But the territories of Oronegro were angry and some wanted independance, the leadership of Oronegro then made a fateful descicion... independence through dependence. The Territories would govern themselves, raise their own armies, set tax and internal policy but every year a council would be held in La Ley to set the policy of the various states and territories. This union meant that if Oronegro went to war the territories went too, if the territories were invaded Oronegro and the rest would go to their aid. It was a union that meant later on the territories and Oronegro would be so close that they'd be considered a single nation once more.
This was true for the territories of Oronegro but there was a colony Kievalsk, Ororussia that stood out.

When this land was accidentially 'discovered' by 'the dumb merchant' in the 17th century it was considered a mistake... how can one said across the Atlantic and hit Eastern Europe without passing through the straits of Gibralter? well one captain did! Sailing from the desert city of Granada in Oronegro's most southern territorial claim he sailed north east expecting to pass through the portal and to reach europe in record time (instead of taking the long route up the coast then eastwards)

Ororussia also known as Kievalsk was discorvered accidentally but colonised and conquered with vigor!
Well he missed the portal (somehow, its still debated how he could have managed it as if he had gone directly NE or NNE as was the most sensible route he should have passed through it) and came to Kievalsk. it's position is hard to explain as maps of the neo atlantic confusing as the many parrallel worlds and portals mean that a land mass considered part of the map may actually be part of a different parrallel world. Anyway after managing to get into the Verosk sea the captain landed at a small fishing village, later renamed El Descubrimiento. The Colony of Ororussia was to become an important part of Oronegrean history, it's violent conquest in the later 18th century and the struggle to retain it in the 19th would give the land a reputation. Naturally more shall be discussed in the artical on Kievask/Ororussia but when other territories of Oronegro were given independence through dependance Ororussia was given more colonial guards and a tighter grip established on it.... oh and a puppet government to keep everyone happy.
Oronegrean soldiers acting as firefighters in Ororussia
during the 20th century Communism spread down from Russia into the colony Oronegro had lightened her hand on the colony but would not allow it to fall to the Soviet Union, a fierce and secret war took place which started in 1918 but ended in 1936 when the Soviet Union threatened a full scale invation if Oronegro did not co-operate... this co-operation was the start of a long slippery slide towards the situation that Oronegro would find herself in when the superpowers fought for supremacy during the third world war of the 2020's. Ororussia would be crutial in the Oronegrean war effort to prevent the Russians from gaining the upperhand back in the homeland. Special forces sneaking out of the Colony would disrupt Soviet acivity not only in their lands beyond the great Siberian and Ural Portals but also in the "real world". This all ended and Ororussia asked for peace and aid when a new, unkown and deadly enemy sprang up in her own territory one which threatened not only Ororussia and Oronegro but Russia and the other superpowers as well!
it was to start in a small base on the mountainous island of Nadeyask
well thats the end of that then... it took me a while to write. Getting that final picture was a nightmare, it is ridiculously hard to get a good image of a mountain base... so a huge thanks to David for his model there... not the best post on the sight but its a start... and finally perhaps the boarders of Oronegro have been defined.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Russian tanks - Rebel Factories

"If it should fall into the wrong hands..." a cliché! but one we are all familiar with. used when there is a piece of technology, an idea, or an object that is so important that if the wrong people should be able to get it... well cancel all your plans! your going to need new ones!
a T-90O changed everything! now the Soviet Union had a tank just as capable as those of Western powers
But that is exactly what Happened. Oronegro's civil war had some unseen effects on the rest of the world. Before the War Russia/The Soviet Union did not have tanks of the same quality as the West. They lacked the technology and the knowledge behind it. But the rebels had taken over the factories where some of these western tanks were made, they had the plans, the materials and even worse they all knew themselves how to put it all together.
the old Soviet tanks were numerous but not effective

So when the Soviet Union's armies aided the Rebel cause Russian tanks went to these factories to get repaired. at first the rebels just patched the holes and sent them on their way but then one group decided that repairs were not good enough! When the Russians sent in one of their tanks (exact date unknown) in 2023 for repairs they were concerned when they did not get it back within a few weeks. But then suddenly 3 months later a tank was apparently ready to pick up. Curious the Russians went en-mass, the whole thing turned from a normal pick up into a ceremony! out of the factory doors to the astonishment of the Russians who were there rolled a blue, quiet T-90 Tank. It may have been a let down if another tank from across the square had not shot the blue beast. The blast was huge! many of the Russians ducked for cover. but as the dust and smoke cleared the Blue tank carried on rolling, its armour dented but not broken, the other tanks crew promptly got out, asked the Russians to stand well back and Boom! the Blue tank made the other disappear! this was caught on camera by a drone but at first it appeared to be nothing. Only later was its significance known.
a game changer! but one that came from an unlikely source
The tank was soon just one of many! blue T-90's and other Russian AFV's were rolling off the production line! their armour was strong, their guns accurate, they were a match for the western tanks that had seemed so superior just months before! the Oronegrean government panicked! then the Pentagon! Until all of the western world was in fear! Russia must not be able to produce these! the USA committed some its best special forces, teams of US Navy Seals to destroy the factory, assassinate anyone who held knowledge on how to produce these tanks and recover any plans of these tanks they could, the rest they would destroy!
the best of the best! but could they stop the Factories now?
Seal Teams were joined by Oronegro's own Black Angels they were about to carry out their mission when some news reached them that made them change all their plans. it had fallen into the wrong hands!!! Spetnaz operators had sneaked out plans as well as some vehicles on an advanced Oronegrean submarine, which they had captured. How they had done this unnoticed was a shock, how they got hold of one of Oronegro's best warships was another! How did they get the vehicles in? how did they not get detected?
they had got away! How? unknown. Why? scarily obvious

But it was irrelevant now! The mission was a failure, even before it was started. But Now Russia was ready, tanks of her own equal to that of her foes! Now all Russia needed to do was what Russia did best... make hundreds of them!
the war machines that changed it all

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

The story of Oroblanco

Oroblanco, white gold, is a story both sad and inspiring. her name has gone down in Oronegrean history as the thorn in the side, the great annoyance and yet it too had a story to tell it too was a proud nation once.

"Los gemelos del oro" The twins of gold! that's what Oronegro and Oroblanco started out as. Early on there was little division in fact during the time of Centurion Fran and Centurion Ray the two were almost a single nation. during the 1580's and 1590's the two nations had to rely on each other to survive. San Fran, named after the Centurion, is actually built inside Oroblanco even though it was perceived to be Oronegrean, even at the time.
The problem was the two nations were to become estranged, as Oronegro grew and discovered gold the gold in Oroblanco went from abundant to scarce as the deposits to richly exploited a century early, creating the fortune of La Fortuna began to dry up. the 17th century turned the twins into foes San Fran was more than once the scene of riots as Oronegreans demanded it become part of their nation. As Oronegro grew Oroblanco grew also though in jealousy not power and in anger not wealth. Suddenly in 1681, when Samuel Jose the future mayor of Oronegro fought and won a great campaign in the valley of the cat, Oroblanco broke its alliance to Oronegro, and was almost about to cut off trade and diplomatic links when the news of how far Samuel had gone to make sure his victory was complete shocked them into rethinking their actions.
the centre of La Fortuna. it was here that the great central park that Oroblanco almost declared war on Oronegro in 1681

Yet it should perhaps not come as a surprise that the two nations would split Oroblanco was a conquistador settlement built on the hunt for gold and the conversion of native tribes, Oronegro was a refuge for the outcasts of Europe with strong principals which made it unattractive for both wealth seekers and those on a mission to save the souls of native peoples. it was unfortunate for Oroblanco that in reality Europe was full of outcasts and that in time it would be wars there between the great nations and not those in Oroblanco between natives and settlers that you'd see the influx of settlers to these lands and of coarse Oronegro not Oroblanco was ready to house them. When in 1689 Samuel Jose was elected to become Mayor of La Ley, effective ruler of Oronegro, Oroblanco tried to restore some of its former friendship but Jose remembered how they had almost declared war because of his campaign and still felt that the leadership in Oroblanco had some personal dislike of him, so it was no surprise that Jose did not negotiate with them.

Yet its was Jose, the man who almost caused war between Oroblanco and Oronegro in the 1680's who would actually lead Oronegro in a war against Oroblanco in the 1690's! after the great and famous campaign in the valley of Grasdamm Oronegro found that nearly all its neighbours hated it, Oroblanco was no exception! Oroblanco watched on as Oronegro went off to fight its own private war for its own private gain when Spain her mother was suffering in her fight against the French! who they noted made up a large part of Oronegro's society. as soon as the troops returned and the news of the victory spread Oroblanco, along with that other sibling of Oronegro, Playalargo joined with the other regional powers, Nouveau Paris, New Dunedin and Costa Plata.
They thought that Oronegro was far weaker than she made out, they thought such a mixed society could never hold together under the strains of a campaign, they thought that Oronegro could never fight them one by one... They were wrong!
Oroblancotine squares prepare for a possible attack on La Fortuna the fires on the distance are of the villages raided by the Oronegrean Cavalry.

Mayor Samuel was a military Genius he knew the council of La Fortuna very well, he knew the old aristocrats would never be able to fight a co-ordinated campaign with the other nations. So he didn't give them a chance to even try, he sent in the 16 most elite Cavalry regiments in Oronegro to deal with La Fortuna. they ravaged the country side. on the First day Alone they covered an area of about 50 hectares burning all the crops, destroying farms and raiding villages. on the second day the army of Oroblanco formed up in squares each of 200 men, 50 squares around La Fortuna expecting the cavalry to try and attack the capital, but by mid day it was clear the cavalry was not coming. so the army split into small groups trying to find the Oronegreans. every village they came to was burnt, every time some one said they had seen a large groups of horsemen, it was to late to catch them. Some of the Oroblancotine units did find the cavalry but for them it was not a success but rather a nightmare. the 4th Dragoon regiment along with the 1st and 15th line infantry regiments found themselves surrounded by cavalry although they formed into a giant square the Oronegreans formed a great wheel around it pistols were shot into the square and every so often a cavalry officer would jump from his horse faking death so that he could take a well aimed shot or two at the infantries officers... The battle looked like it could last the rest of the day when the 3rd lancers from the Great Farming plain suddenly dismounted and attacked at one of the squares corners the attack was so unexpected and so unorthodox that the soldiers there almost forgot to fire thinking that the lancers were mad, unfortunately it was a simple distraction as while they concentrated their fire on the lancers charging with their spears they missed the cuirassiers suddenly brake from the wheel and attack the corner also. The square broke as the wheel turned into a charge all the cavalry focused on this one corner. the Oroblancotine Dragoons mounted and fled as did many of the infantry on the other side of the square. The fighting didn't last long, the general of the Oroblancotine forces sat down in the centre of the battlefield and waited he knew he had lost he just hoped that his men would realise it to and give up.
the general sits knowing defeats certain as the sun sets the battle concludes the last surrounded soldiers of Oroblanco surrender to the victorious cavalry.
One the third day rumours of an infantry force approaching La Fortuna caused the government to surrender! The war was over, but although Oronegro had one many soldiers from Oroblanco fought on and joined rebel groups, some more organised and other simply bandits. From then on Oroblanco became the thorn in the side a nation that was no longer existent and yet still able to cause havoc!
Oroblancotine Grenadier rebels fight back against the Oronegrean occupying forces.
Well there you go a little story of one of Oronegro's neighbours, I really hope you like these little guys as I really am going to make them look bad from here on in... of coarse I have to... I would not be making Oronegro seem like a good place if I did not and as I am pretending to be some sort of Oronegrean historian I need to keep in character for this blog... which is why the following is odd. recognition of my followers.

Greetings to the new followers of the Oronegro blog... no I did not forget about you I just have been thinking how I could recognise your kindness in following without compromising the blogs theme, in the end I just thought that it was pointless to keep up the theme to much and just say Hello!
Hello to Remco de Groot from remco's miniatures
greetings to Tankmodels.Pl from tankmodels.pl
Hi Francis Lee from the angry lurker
welcome Ben B from bens soldiers
Hello once more Peter from peters cave
good to see you again Abdul666 from mcristo by lacew
Hi Steve from sound officers call
Hey Aaron welcome to the blog... a link to your profile... multiple blogs like myself
greetings to Michael Peterson from multiple places to again a link to your profile
And last but not least Anne O'Leary nice to have you here at the Oronegro blog... and of coarse a link to your blog at Anne's Attic

welcome to the blog guys... I hope you like the story of Oronegro, or as is the case in this post of some of her neighbours.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Rolando and Giorgio

Rolando and Giorgio are some of Jose and Maria Castillo's children; both take after their mother and have dark hair, unlike Rosa, Sophia and Fernando who take after Jose and have light hair, Alberto has a dirty brown hair colour half way between his parents.

a small family gathering without the evil mother or the crazy siblings who are out and about.

Rolando is the second oldest son of Jose and Maria, he is an excellent business man who has taken the modest trading company of his father and turned it into a national organisation with a large annual profit. Although he is not yet in control is seems highly likely that he'll take control of the family business when his father resigns, though it is rumoured that he might even set up his own as he clearly has the potential. Born on the 28th of April 1711 he was different from other children in his youth, he showed a high intellect and a great mathematical ability but he was incredibly quiet and withdrawn. However at the age of 15 he started to show some vague social skills, much to the delight of his father who feared his son could never marry even if it was arranged. though Rolando has never had a relationship like those of his elder brother, but this is to his advantage as the calculating man, as he is known, knows the value of a high born wife. Something he may soon have if he can seduce of of the many pretty women of Oronegro. Though the question remains is his desire for marriage part of some equation that places a value or number on love or some true feeling in his heart?

Rolando on the right and Giorgio on the left

Giorgio on the other hand is a very happy child, he may live in the shadow of his sister but this is to his advantage as then he can avoid his mothers strict eyes. Rolando is her favourite son which may sound good for him but all that means he, like is father, does every thing he's told is easy to love. Giorgio is not like that, he doesn't matter to her because he was born after Rosa so can never compare. Most children would be permanently damaged by the lack of love, but when your mother it "el Burro" its different. Her nickname perhaps shows more about her character by the fact she's referred to as male rather than as a donkey. For this reason Giorgio is fortunate he can stay at his friends house without the threat of his mother breaking down the door and dragging him away for dinner. Giorgio was born on the 31st of August 1729 during what was a pretty average day which Maria saw a a disappointment but his farther was relieved that he didn't get rushed along by flood waters like the year before.

the family really should consider getting a better artist to do their paintings

all in all they both live very different lives and the wars of the 1730's and 1740's will be a large part of their lives.

Friday, February 15, 2013

the Oronegrean Song of war (english version)

This song is the English version of Oronegro's war song which is sung during the long marches to war. The Spanish version is not a direct translation as the versions are all sung to different tunes and created by different units. The English version was written by La Ley's British cohort which is one of the few units of el ejercito segundo which is permanent and ready to be deployed at a moments notice. They are mostly light infantry though they do include some policing forces and engineers. This is their song which after a few decades of being sung only by that unit spread to the whole army!

Come my sisters, my brothers , my sons.
we're off to war and the sound of the guns
with courage we go
though death may show
his fear is weak and weak his blows

Come my sisters, my brothers, my sons
we're off to war and the sound of the guns
our spirits are high
though some may die
to their honour let the remainder cry

Come my sisters, my bothers, my sons 
we're off to war and the sound of the guns!
though peace we seek
and victory desire!
let us not fail to fire

come my sisters, my bothers, my sons
we're off to war and the sound of the guns!
to the battle we go the fight and the foe
forget not our cause and forget not our home
for Oronegro we fight;
for Oronegro our home!

come my sisters, my brothers, my sons
though the guns may sound 
our courage will be found.

Because of this song it is said that the young Eduardo Martínez would be inspired to lead his own armies, he is quoted as saying. "as I watched the forces move silently out of the city I could not help but hear a growing sound moving towards the mound on which I stood. as it came so could the drums be heard the flute, and horn played in time to the rhythmic march, the song that was sang certainly not a piece to be found in any Opera, our of time with the beat in many places, yet it is true that all the men and women spoke as one. I looked to General Marco d'Amarillo y Natillas who stood to my right and asked him how long it would take to reform the Mayoral Cuirassiers. he said  two months at least should we use horsemen already in service or years if we were to train some especially. I answered that I wanted them ready and armed as soon as the army reached the mouth of the La Esperanza some and that I myself would be amongst them."

and so it was that the Story of Eduardo Martínez, child and warrior mayor comes into the story of the great Oronegrean war of defence, conquest and survival.


Thursday, February 7, 2013

Rosa and her father Jose Castillo

Rosa daughter of Jose and Maria Castillo was born on the 5th of October 1728. The day of her birth in El Pollo where she was born would become know as la Gargantua Del Rio, the throat of the river! For on that day the river surrounding the island part of El Pollo was so high that it almost completely swallowed up the settlement and her birth was to become a story of great renown!

"the cries of a new born child were heard over the roar of the waters and the screams of the drowning! 
All those forced onto the roof tops froze in that brief moment and as if hearing the anguish the river found mercy in its destructive heart and retreated back to its channel leaving behind those it had so cruelly taken.
The cries ended and slowly life returned and the priest could be heard muttering 'an angel, an angel!'"

Her father Jose was perhaps the most amazed by the event, kept away from his family by the raging currents he could not have swam to them from the town hall. yet just before he thought we would miss the birth of his fourth child the balcony upon which he stood collapsed, the cold water dragged him along but when all seemed lost a hand from nowhere grabbed him and pulled him from deaths grip, to the shock of all as well as himself he had made it to the family home and not more than half an hour later his daughter was born.
Jose goes to ask his daughter what the matter is, she has not come down for dinner and Maria is getting into one of her grumpy moods
Rosa shows her father the cupboard in which she is certain that mice are hiding.
Perhaps then it was surprising that although many people begged that the child's name be things such as Diosa (goddess), her mother, Maria is perhaps better known as burro (donkey) because of her stubbornness and as such her decision to call her daughter Rosa stuck. It was only when at the age of 4 when she stared to go out more into town with her older brothers that she started getting called Diosa, and although officially she was not called that by anyone, it appeared that there was some sort of identical twin running around with that name... at least that's what it seemed like when Maria went out with her daughter

father and daughter pose for a portrait
unfortunately the painter has to paint them from behind for some reason?
The Castillo family are quite well off, not only because Rosa received money and gifts from nearly everyone on the town as gratitude for her miracle! they are quite a large family also, Rosa has a younger brother Giorgio who is always seen in the Shadow of his sister.Fernando is the eldest child, his long blond beard and hair make his somewhat barbaric, he is however very protective of his little sisters. Rolando is the second oldest and most respectable so far as the aristocracy sees things, most likely to follow his father in looking after the families trade business he is also a visionary planner. Alberto is the second youngest son, he is totally unlike Rolando and spends his days hunting with his friends. Sophia is the eldest girl, she is unmarried and is known throughout the great farming plains and the El Pollo region as the fairest woman with an incredible intellect. they are a moderately wealthy family but the trade business has boomed and some of the family, like Sophia are looking to marry into the rich and powerful families in Oronegro.

Friday, January 25, 2013

Captain and commander Alfred Hale

this post and the figure/ character featured within it are dedicated to Alfred Hale the late husband of Anne O'Leary. I quote her in saying "my departed husband who was a sailor and a deep sea welder. He was killed while working on a rig in an explosion over 25 years ago. He was a good man and I miss him still." Anne when you told me this story I knew that I must name this figure after him as you asked me. I hope that it honors the memory of your departed husband and that perhaps he wherever he is now feels that this respects his memory.

Captain and commander Alfred Hale is a man to whom all others is the symbol of bravery and honour. In Battle on land and sea he wears plate armour that both makes him a target to his foes and a striking symbol of leadership to his comrades!
born on 27th of June 1705 to a middle class family from the beginning he showed himself to be greater than most of his classmates in school. Strong and brave he soon was selected by his peers for a leading role in his school. in April 1721 he was recruited into the military after a fight in one of San Fran's many bars. Yet although he had not been trained for very long he soon showed a great knowledge for military and naval matters. in the great pirate raid of 1725 he showed perhaps the greatest courage and discipline when the commander of the company was in was slain and all the NCO's refused to lead the unit. Alfred took control of the remnants of the force which now only numbered some 13 men. It was in that moment he first wore that iconic suit of plate steel, taking it from a mannequin in the great house where they were cornered. There in that place they fought for 3 hours cut off from help facing waves of foes who surly outnumbered them 20 to 1.
Help came in the form of some marines who came up from the river, their ship had been taken now and they sought refuge in the large house where Hale was fighting for his life his force now reduced to only 6 brave men. However as soon as the marines shot, bayoneted and slashed their way through the building Hale took command of them and lead them out of the building and charged them down the streets of La Ley's old district and with the retaking of marines ship his legend was made!

For him the rewards and honours came thick and fast He was promoted to the rank of commander which meant he could lead a half century of soldiers (50 men and 10 officers) and granted the honour of also being a naval captain which was un-heard of for a man from the army. Though perhaps he was not rewarded enough for his actions there was one thing that he was given that other men could only dream of: A purpose built boat, HMS Anne!
He wrote in 1728:
"To my loving wife to whom I owe a great deal

Do you remember my dear that day 3 years ago, it seems like an age now. However after that nasty incident I had recently it came back to the forefront of my mind. Remember the carpenters at the shipwright were shocked when I asked for our dear Anne. They thought I would ask for a large frigate or something, they do not understand that I am no simple leader, I do not like others to wait in a cabin or upon a hill watching the action from afar. I am a man of action, and my dear although you probably tire greatly when you hear me say it I must say once more, I always will be there in the thick of the fray where musket balls fly and bayonets flash and the smoke and the blood is mixed into one great cloud that covers the land hiding the horrendous sight of men killing men from any onlooker. Well my dear I shall gladly be back home soon, how's the maid I heard she was up to no good? 

to my dearest and most loving wife

The incident he refers to in his letter is none other that the Battle of  Petrablanca which took place on the 30th and 31st of March 1728. The Anne and the Gato were sailing down a small river near El Pollo when they came under fire from a battery on the bank! The Gato was sunk and Anne was damaged on her starboard side. Anne's gunners fought bravely but it was clear that they needed to take her out of range or out of sight of the guns and march over land to destroy it! The next morning Hale lead his 2 infantry men and some of his sailors along the road they met up with many scared villagers who spoke of a raiding bandit party that had come from the south. Hale brought many of the villagers and local farmers to a near by supply post where they came under attack. mounting the rood of the building the morning sun reflected of his steel helmet. Lord Alfonso Caballero wrote "the man was mad, mad I say for all the bullets I heard were surly aimed at him and yet he stood firm guiding the fire from the top of the building upon the enemies best shots." Alfred has hit several times that day but many shots did not penetrate his armour saving his life for sure. The battle was won when reservists marched up from El Pollo alerted to what was going on the previous days by the survivors from the sunk el Gato. The bandits fled rather than face the century coming up from the town. The bandits were well armed for a bunch of rouges and it was discovered by Alfred Hale himself that they were from south on La Fortuna in the remnants of what was once the nation of Oroblanco.

Alfred Hale on Anne's port side as she turned to fire on the battery.

the Anne sailing through fog
the defence of the supply house the next day

Without fear Hale mounted the top of the building to direct the fire of the infantry
Alfred Hale was in 1730 Granted a knighthood by the representative of the multiple monarchs of Oronegro, for his gallantry in battle and his help in restoring order to the nation of Oronegro. he currently resides in a respectable dwelling outside of San Fran where he is head of the police force. His boat the HMS Anne is usually in port at Rio Pescado north or San Fran. However as all in Oronegro begin to realise that our nation is once more about to go through a time of war the question arises "what role will Sir Alfred Hale play in the coming conflict?" perhaps we shall know soon enough for in this year 1735 after a break down with the respectable Lord McDonald of New Dunedin and his Allies in Nouveau Paris Oronegro is once more at war with her neighbours.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Oronegrean supply system and building

Oronegro is not a nation to be messed with. her military far exceeds the expectations again and again. Oronegro takes many influences for Ancient Rome in her military, the Oronegrean legion the century the centurions and the Ala for the cavalry. Another influence is the soldier-builders. in Europe all roads lead to Rome and these roads were well made and as straight as an arrow! of coarse if the ancients can do it why not a nation who does not have to worry about the extreme distances involved in the roman empire?

of coarse when there are roads there's the need to provide places to rest. One cannot ride the distance between La Ley and Santiargo del oronegro! so there needs to be places to stop, rest and perhaps most importantly stock up on supplies of food and drink! so in Oronegro when the Military builds roads it also builds fortified buildings every 25km the average daily walking/marching distance or a weary traveller or fully laden army, however even though these buildings are reasonably large, the biggest being forts in their own right and the smallest the size of a large house, they are often too far apart for comfort and when walking 25km a day is a big ask especially when its hot and you only want to go at a leisurely pace. The solution was provided by Oronegro's generous souls and those who knew how to make a but of money. Small buildings popped up along main roads everywhere. if you built it and offered to keep it stocked full of food the government payed you for it, even though in fact criminals would be forced to pull carts to the houses for you.

this is a small commercial/ non-military supply house

its roof which is accessed via the ladder and easily removed platform is designed to protect anyone sheltering up there

a nice stone path leads to the road making it a welcoming sight and an easily accessible one to a tired and/or hungry traveller.

the building is not of great size but is still strong enough that if bandits or raiders, including pirates if its along a coastal road attack it people inside can defend themselves

the windows are purely defensive as well as offering light, they can be boarded up a bit allowing people inside to shoot out at any attacker from any direction from the safety of the building

although cramped and small there is enough room for supplies of water, wine, food like bread, cheese, fire wood under the desk in the cupboards and even some hammocks, rope, canvas and pegs so a person set up a tent outside or a hammock inside.
These commercial buildings were never permanently guarded unlike the military/national ones but relied upon the honesty of the users. they were a welcome and useful part of a travelling man or woman's daily life.

Oronegrean national anthem

The national anthem of Oronegro as written in 1648 that was used up to the present day despite the granting of Independence in the 19th century to the land of Oronegro. May all who read these words find a suitable tune to go with them as so far our national records have lost in their information vault the official instrumental piece that accompanies the written text.

the following is the National anthem of Oronegro. I apologise if the image is a little fuzzy and if the spanish is not perfect but its the best I could do in one day... I could have taken longer however when I do these things... like all my stories they are on the whole spontaneous and not totally well made.

the spanish is not perfect not the image
sorry I accidentally posted this before... I was trying to hit save but hit publish... I also apologize for all these extra lines I have written that detract from the sense of realism that I like to maintain with my stories and other posts on this blog

Friday, January 11, 2013

Colonisation and expansion part3

In this the final part of the Colonisation and expansion tale of early Oronegro we focus on the final acts of Oronegro before the year 1730... a time of consolidation but also great threat, old friends become foes and old foes rear their heads once more. It was a time where Oronegro once more decided to show herself the equal of any great power and also shock the world with her bold and sometimes brutal actions. the 17th century may have been a relative time of peace for Oronegro but the 18th could see war and death on a scale that may surprise those who do not expect much from such a small place.

below is a map printed in 1758 of the west of Oronegro as it was in those days... although the lands actually extended far to the east almost to the boarders of Oronegro in the year 2000. however this was the heart of the nation and its life blood. there is no scale see caption for details.
as with most maps of Oronegro there is no scale because Oronegro is a very large place and it would threaten many in this earth to see how big it really is, HOWEVER if you take the width of the Oronegro's river mouth at La Tierra del diablo to be around 0.5 km you will have a reasonable scale.
1690 was a tense year in Oronegro with the Nine Year's War or the War of the Grand Alliance being fought in Europe and all the different Colonies around the world, it seemed certain Oronegro would have to side itself with one of the combatants or face possible invasion from any or all of the nations involved.
But taking sides was against one of Oronegro's founding principals: To be neutral to all sides so long as both sides could claim to be the homeland of many Oronegreans. This mean Oronegro could not take sides as France could claim to be the homeland distant or otherwise of almost 26% of Oronegreans, and on the other side Britain claimed 24% and Spain 37% with many of the other European combatants claiming around 42% of the population. This was a problem However Oronegro had one trick up its sleeve. For deep in One of Germany's parallel lands was that small state where long ago in the 16th century Lord Wolf the rightful ruled with his Oronegrean wife. Eliza daughter of Juan Carlos founder of Oronegro and the first of the many powerful Mayors of Oronegro.
By now the little German state was a small insignificant principality pushed about by its neighbours, Yet it was a state and one which Mayor Samuel Jose the former general now declared Oronegro's whole and secure Ally.
It was strange first of all as a mayor you needed to be part of the family of Juan Carlos, Samuel barely qualified and as such was not seen as a legitimate leader... also it was the democratically elected Prime Ministers Job to run the state and deal with foreign affairs.
However Mayor Samuel was although only just a distant relation to Juan Carlos and as such could qualify for Mayor, also despite being democratic Oronegro was practically a constitutional monarchy and as Mayor Samuel could make these decisions, though there was no rule that anyone had to do them.
The Principalities current crown Prince was Michael von Oronegro. the Title Von Oronegro had been retained  ever since Eliza had been at the families head. Michael had little care for his families history the war in the Germany of this world made the principality the target of many of its neighbours in their smallish parallel world. They were for some reason allied to France seeing a chance perhaps to extend their power beyond the valley that made up the land into the rest of Germany beyond the tunnel of trees to the north and the cave below the mountain waterfall to the south. Prince Michael and the Principality looked doomed. Then came the news from across aurora covered sea! HELP WAS COMING!!! a Whole legion of Oronegro's finniest and many thousands more of the Reservist was coming to his aid.
To Britain, Spain and the other members of the Grand Alliance this was Oronegro's show of allegiance to them. To France and her allies Oronegro was just helping a small friend with little connection the war. This was due to some skillful words and clever actions made by Oronegrean diplomats and the Military.
in march 1691 the army Landed in Northern Germany and began its long march to the tunnel of Trees, it passed many lands inspiring awe as it passed. None hindered it all watched it. River boats were accompanying them up the rivers to where the river from the hidden valley emerged. it took them several weeks to get there but when they passed under the massive wide tunnel made by the branches of trees larger than any the soldiers had ever seen they entered a place that could not physically fit on any map of this world, Just like Oronegro.
the siege of Kaltburg the principalities capital in 1690-1691
The vanguard emerged from the tunnel as ink from a pen writing the tale of a war that even the great powers would never had predicted! crested helmets wear the first to appear signifying that these men were of el ejército primero. However this blue mass of infantry was followed by cavalry, cuirassiers, dragoons and a mixture of other horsemen, behind them was the centuries of grenadiers and fanned out around them were the cazadores. Suddenly behind the blue came the red after the cannons and artillery came the red-coats and tricorns of the thousands of reservists members of the el ejército segundo. Like a river flowing in the opposite to the one on their left they marched into the valley, although they passed through hostile territory at the tunnels mouth, none came to oppose them, they reached Sattel a small town known for its horses. Here under the midday sun many men from the great farming plane broke from the marching column and leaped onto their new, somewhat startled mounts. There was only a token of resistance a few shot from the window of the town hall, which was answered with a laugh from the soldiers surrounding the building, this brought the ashamed defenders and councilors out with their heads hung and their pride gone. 
The Army camped there that night hoping to draw out some foes. With no loss of life they had taken and now secured a position, in which an estimated 9300 Oronegreans now slept. sentries watched through the night as a few of their comrades went back and forth between town and the woods bringing lumber for constructing defences in the narrow streets. every entrance to the town was blocked with a barricade, this included the back doors of all the houses on the outskirts, every house facing the fields around the town and those looking out over the river that ran through it had their windows turned into gun slits boarded up to allow  defenders to shoot out unseen.
The next morning on the 21st of June 1691 saw an army of Grasdamm close in on the small town, whose population had more than doubled the previous day. they walked up to the houses not noticing anything out of the ordinary until the first shots rang out, to late they noticed the strange shutters with vertical and horizontal slits. the first ranks fell back to regroup but now the second and third wave charged the houses from where the fire came. they found the doors almost impossible to break down and by the town they were in the defenders were gone. those who ran through the streets had to fight for every meter, every house hid soldiers each corner hid a barricade, each time they broke down a door defenders ran along rooftops and through hidden passage ways to get to the next building.
fighting in the centre of Sattel, the funneled army of Baron Franke von Grasdamm. found it a cauldron of death
It all came to a head in the afternoon then the army of Baron Franke von Grasdamm entered the Plaza. the sound of gunfire was still prevalent in the smaller streets of Sattel but the roof runners and the passages that the small Grasdamm army found lead to that place. they entered not expecting much there was a small wall that blocked off one half of the square, however apart from that there was nothing there. Suddenly the doors around them exploded the cannons of the Oronegrean artillery were hidden on the ground floor of the towns large central buildings then from above came more gunfire and on the other side of the wall they could see soldiers emerging from the town hall.

by 5pm it was all over the Barons army was cut off as the defenders who had hidden in basements  and attics emerged blocking off the ways in and out of Sattel. the men of Grasdamm surrendered immediately and the Baron after he was found hiding in the bathroom of a baker negotiated peace with Oronegro. With Grasdamm out the way and the river free from foes up to the grassy dam of Grasdamm the river ships joined the army in the valley and after being raised up the river they sailed across the lake behind and began to support the crown prince. he had been besieged Kaltburg for a year now and was totally surprised by the appearance of Oronegrean boats and soldiers, he had expected monetary aid but not physical military support. By 1692 the war in the valley was over and the principality of Kaltburg was now dominant in that region. the Oronegrean army sailed home leaving some military advisers and specialists behind but also taking home many willing settlers and lots of loot.

This was the first of many actions Oronegro would be involved in all over the world as she showed off her somewhat oversizes military muscles. However their actions made some enemies closer to home many of the smaller European colonies along the coast from Oronegro declared war and invaded seeing what they thought of as Oronegrean aggression towards France. some even thought that Oronegro had showed Britain and Spain disrespect. By 1695 Oronegro was at war with 5 neighboring states; these were Oroblanco, Playalargo, Costaplata, New Dunedin and
nouveau Paris.
Oroblanco was the first to fall its capital La Fortuna was taken on the 21st April 1695 after a war only lasting 3 days. the small nation was attacked solely by a cavalry force, before its small infantry force could form up for a battle it wound all its undefended villages raided and empty. They surrendered on the third day as rumours of a large infantry force approaching and the devastation wrought by the cavalry was too much for the council of La Fortuna to take.
Playalargo was on the coastline  between La Ley and La Esperanza, it was based in the small port of Costa Buena. Playalargo had long lived in peace with Oronegro, allowing Oronegrean armies to pass through quite often so long as a large fee was payed, however now they declared Oronegro an enemy of Spain! They claimed although Oronegro had fought against some allies of France this had been done in their own interests and not as a show of allegiance to Spain, they also cited Oronegro's quick return home and lack of action on the main fronts as a sign of her contempt for the Spanish king. Playalargo fought for many years and it was 1697 before Costa buena was assaulted and held  by Oronegrean marines before the army of Mayor Samuel arrived to secure the claim.
Costa Plata was based on the Isla del fuego, the island ships first past after crossing the aurora, it was invaded in 1694 but total control was not established until 1697. the capital El puerto grande was taken without a fight in 1695 to the great surprise of its citizens. The famed silver reserves on the island brought more wealth to Oronegro and its new 68,000 settlers brought more man-power to the state.
New Dunedin which was mainly settled by Scots was based to the north of the La Esperanza river mouth and asked for peace in 1698 after marines attacked its capital in June of that year. Nouveau Paris also asked for terms but as it was further around the great Oronegrean bay it was not invaded and as such its power remained stronger. The final peace was established in 1700 as the final guerrillas emerged from the jungle and the last of the riots were quelled. Oronegro enjoyed a brief respite but its wars had not pleased any of its larger mother countries and they began in secret to arm some of Oronegro's most powerful foe's as well as those who it had just established peace with.
the signing of the peace treaty of Costabuena in 1698 that meant Nouveau Paris would end the 6 year war it had with Oronegro during which it had not been invaded and only briefly cut off form France.
The start of the 18th century was brought in with great fireworks in La Ley, La Esperanza and smaller celebrations all over Oronegro. Oronegro had proved itself a powerful nation and one that even the large superpowers had to take into account! the next 20 years past with little incident although there was war in Europe and else where this only helped Oronegro grow as refugees added to the already large population. It was a boom time in Oronegro as traders exploited their new found wealth and Pirates were kept at bay by the increasingly well trained Oronegrean navy. By 1720 there were 1,365,218 people in Oronegro according to the census of that year, with a possible margin or error of + or - 300 people. Oronegro became a powerhouse of innervation as well as strange devices appeared and usually disappeared in the streets of the capital. there was steam powered elevator type thing built in Oronegro's port in 1719 though it proved unreliable and noisy and so was removed. Canals were planned and roads improved, there was an influx of Muslim settlers also in 1713 which brought the camel to Oronegro in sufficient numbers to warrant a camel farm in the arid valley of el Minero.

Things seemed to be going well until 1725 when Oronegro was once again attacked by pirates like those 100 years before this time the raid was much more effective and La Ley was almost totally lost many soldiers, marines and civilians were lost and once more the saving factor came from La Esperanza... this was just the beginning Kaxad was rising the land of Oronegro was going to go once more through a time of terror and pain as its neighbors, old foes and pirates all decided to attack in succession and at some times in unison.

The time of Colonisation and expansion was over now it was the time of War and conquest!!!